Conversation 166: Intuitive Surgical Inc.

Intuitive Surgical robots carry out a surgical procedure every 26 seconds.

Intuitive Surgical, listed on the NASDAQ, is an American based robotic surgical company which has conducted more than seven million procedures, one every 26 seconds according to their website] and mostly in the area of laparoscopy.*

I hadn’t heard of the company until my recent chat with Michael Smith, Founder and Chief Investment Officer of Kauri Investments, which has a holding in Intuitive. So I was keen on finding out why he has invested in Intuitive, hence this post.

During the Conversation we also talked about Atlassian [ASX:TEAM] and Square Inc [NASDAQ:SQ].


Conversation 167: PainChek CEO says on track to hit $6 to $7 million in annual recurring revenue.


Conversation 165: Is Elsight finally ready to take off and just how high could it go?